Shortcuts for programs

1. Sublime Text shortcuts

This section handles all essential shortcuts that I use regularly File and Editing Cmd+N - New file Cmd+O - Open file Cmd+S - Save file Cmd+Shift+S - Save file as Cmd+Shift+T - Reopen closed file Cmd+X - Cut selected text Cmd+C - Copy selected text Cmd+V - Paste text Cmd+Shift+D - Duplicate line Cmd+Z - Undo last action Cmd+Shift+Z - Redo last action Navigation Cmd+P - Open “Goto Anything” command Cmd+L - Go to line number Cmd+R - Open “Goto Symbol” command Cmd+Shift+R - Open “Goto Symbol in Project” command Cmd+K+B - Toggle sidebar visibility Cmd+Tab - Cycle through open files Cmd+Shift+Tab - Cycle through open files in reverse order Cmd+Shift+P - Open the command palette Search and Replace Cmd+F - Find text within the current file Cmd+Option+F - Find text across the entire project Cmd+Option+E - Replace text within the current file Text Manipulation Cmd+T - Transpose characters Cmd+Shift+L - Split selection into lines Cmd+Shift+M - Select all contents of current parentheses Cmd+K+U - Transform selected text to uppercase Cmd+K+L - Transform selected text to lowercase Cmd+Shift+D - Duplicate the current line Cmd+/ (or Cmd+Shift+/) - Comment or uncomment the current line or selection By using these essential shortcuts, you can increase your productivity and efficiency in Sublime Text on macOS.

2. Git commands for local repository management

Basic Commands git init - Create a new local repository git clone - Copy a remote repository to your local machine git add - Add files or changes to the staging area git commit - Commit changes to the local repository Branching and Merging git branch - Create a new branch git checkout - Switch to another branch git merge - Merge changes from one branch into another Collaboration git remote - Show the remote connections for the local repository git fetch - Download changes from a remote repository git pull - Download and merge changes from a remote repository git push - Upload changes to a remote repository

3. Essential shortcuts for Chrome

General Navigation Command/Control + T - Open a new tab Command/Control + W - Close the current tab Command/Control + Shift + T - Reopen the last closed tab Command/Control + L - Highlight the address bar Command/Control + D - Bookmark the current page Command/Control + Shift + D - Bookmark all open tabs in a new folder Page Navigation Command/Control + R - Reload the current page Command/Control + Shift + R - Reload the current page, ignoring cached content Command/Control + F - Find text on the current page Command/Control + G - Find the next occurrence of the searched text Command/Control + Shift + G - Find the previous occurrence of the searched text Tab Management Command/Control + Tab - Switch to the next open tab Command/Control + Shift + Tab - Switch to the previous open tab Command/Control + 1-9 - Switch to a specific tab by its corresponding number Command/Control + Option/Alt + Right/Left Arrow - Move to the next or previous open tab Window Management Command/Control + N - Open a new window Command/Control + Shift + N - Open a new incognito window Command/Control + Option/Alt + N - Reopen the last closed window These shortcuts can help you navigate and manage tabs, windows, and pages in Google Chrome more efficiently.

2. Git commands for local repository management

Planted February 20, 2023

Basic Commands

  • git init - Create a new local repository
  • git clone - Copy a remote repository to your local machine
  • git add - Add files or changes to the staging area
  • git commit - Commit changes to the local repository

Branching and Merging

  • git branch - Create a new branch
  • git checkout - Switch to another branch
  • git merge - Merge changes from one branch into another


  • git remote - Show the remote connections for the local repository
  • git fetch - Download changes from a remote repository
  • git pull - Download and merge changes from a remote repository
  • git push - Upload changes to a remote repository